Monday, February 27, 2017

A Dentist in Chandler Shares Misconceptions About Cavities

Cavities are common dental problems and most people will have one at some time in their life. Since cavities tend to be so common we often share many supposed facts and misconceptions about them. A chandler dental service can easily help people get rid of the cavities that they do develop, but it is always better to prevent these cavities in the first place. Some misconceptions might cause people to suspect that they have cavities when they don't. Others might put people at risk for cavities.
First, as any Chandler AZ dentist will tell you, people don't need to have cavities to get root canals. While untreated cavities can create situations in which people need root canals, damaged or infected dental nerves will often create the need for a root canal. People who clench or grind their teeth a lot will also be at risk for developing root canals.
The tooth sensitivity that some people attribute to cavities could also be caused by clenching and grinding. People who suspect that they might have problems with clenching or grinding should try to wear mouth guards when they're sleeping, which could help them address the problem. Our hardworking dentists in Chandler could recommend a good mouth guard for those who seem to be suffering from this problem. Read more on this article.

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